Hey, I'm


Entrepreneur, developer and security engineer

Current projects

Niceable - Fundraising for charities

Co-Founder & CTO

Niceable is a fundraising platform for non-profits. We use Raffles to make charitable giving accessible and fun with a minimum entry amount of only $1.

Shuffle - Cyber Security automation

Co-Founder & CEO

Shuffle was created as a need for framework implementation automation in Information Security. Being a security engineer and forensic analyst taught me a lot about the need for automation, and this was a new, accessible approach.

Alpakafarm - Webshop

Tech and sales help

Alpakafarm is my dad's tourist farm that started struggling due to COVID-19. We're setting up a webshop to help them through it :)

Habitual - Routine chatbot


Habitual is a chatbot I made to help keep myself accountable. It periodically checks in to see whether I've done the habit I'm trying to incorporate. Future vision is more dynamic chatting and a personal CRM-like system. Has an accountability system where if you screw up, it will tell a friend

Old projects and workplaces can be found on Github and Linkedin :)